After a close call in traffic while trying to make a left turn, I decided I needed some turn signals on the trike. After a quick search on the Internet, I found no kits that had front lamps in addition to rear ones. So, I finally just built my own.
The light bar is a 2ft piece of "T" aluminum outfitted with motorcycle mini blinker lamps on the ends. The bar is powered by a small12V battery. The lights flash by an automotive flasher (the green thing) being in series with each light pair. The bar itself is pinched to the pannier rack by a lower aluminum bar. Automotive wire (and wire-wrap) connects to two handlebar mounted front switches. The tail LED light and front LED light are still independently powered. I started with AA batteries in series (pictured) but soon will be using either two 6V lantern batteries in series or possibly a small gel cell rechargeable battery.
Once I have more time, I will put push-buttons, one on the top of each handle. For now, I use toggle switches on "L" brackets with zip ties in front of the brake handles. Each toggle switch illuminates when the blinker is operating which at first I thought was only cute but has turned out to be quite handy. To prevent the brackets from sliding around, I put electric tape underneath them before I ziptied them to the bar. I have found that I can operate the switches rather well even with gloved hands. Since installing the light bar, cars now consider my trike a regular vehicle. This makes left turns much easier since I can now go into the left lane and make my intentions to other vehicles known!